В операционной системе iOS есть стандартное решение, которое позволяет создать учетную запись и использовать встроенный визуальный интерфейс. 1. Перейдите в меню «Настройки». 2. Выберите раздел «Mail, Контакты,...
ДалееStep 1: Quit all applications You must quit all applications before you continue with the following steps. To quit an application, click the <application name>menu on the toolbar (top), and then select Quit. If you cannot quit an application or do not know how, hold down the Command and Option keys, and then press Esc on your keyboard. Select the application in the Force Quit Application...
ДалееCoinciding with its release of Windows 8.1, Microsoft has released new versions of its Remote Desktop Client (RDC) for Android, iOS andMac. This is the first major upgrade to RDC for Mac since version 2.0 was released in June 2008 and last updated in May 2011 and the first releases for Android and iOS. RDC 8.0 for Mac includes some long awaited features including support for Mac OS X 10.7...
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